The PFSC offers a wide range of research leadership and engagement opportunities for parents, students, staff and community.

Our key areas and outputs are listed below:

Program development

Our work focuses on the development and evaluation of evidence-based parenting and family interventions. In particular, we have developed and continue to evolve the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program system of interventions.

Our programs are licensed by The University of Queensland for publication internationally, currently in 30 countries in 22 languages. We develop parallel professional training curricula for practitioners working with families in each disseminated intervention program.


Our research spans the spectrum from basic to applied, using mixed methods, with the aim of informing all aspects of parenting and family intervention. Our research has a strong focus on international engagement and development.

Research training and supervision

We are involved in training the next generation of parenting scientists through undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and mentoring. We supervise honours, masters, professional degree and PhD candidates. We host visiting scholars, research interns and volunteers to provide opportunities to experience research throughout their study.

Translation of research into practice

We advocate and contribute to the development of government policy on matters relating to child wellbeing, parenting and family support. We also consult to agencies seeking to implement and evaluate evidence-based interventions.

Professional leadership

We have developed an international research network focused on collaborative research and capacity building partnerships. Members of our team hold senior leadership roles in many professional societies, organisations and editorial boards. Our aim is to support the development of leading practitioners, researchers and policy makers nationally and internationally.

Community and industry engagement

Through science communication, we actively engage with the scientific, professional and wider community, including scientific conventions, regular media presentations, our social media strategy and presentations to community groups. We aim to partner with industry to build new knowledge and service delivery opportunities.

Service delivery

Our focus is on delivering evidence-based interventions to families and organisations, including The University of Queensland’s own staff.

Giving to the PFSC

You can help create a better world for parents, families and communities. Your gift will directly fund vital research projects. Gifts of all sizes help create change and we are very grateful for your support.

Donate to the PFSC