Providing culturally adapted versions of evidence-based interventions that take a consumer perspective and address the barriers identified by diverse families can increases parental engagement and program sustainability. This project is a collaborative community-led preventative initiative to support Cherbourg Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in complex circumstances. Partners include Cherbourg Regional Aboriginal and Islander Community Controlled Health Service and Cherbourg Community Health. Following consultation with community advisory groups, and a community-wide survey of parents support preferences, a local parenting support framework is being evaluated. Consultation led to a population approach to provide parenting support through local service providers in varied delivery formats and levels of intensity using the Triple P system (e.g. universal public service announcements to targeted Group Indigenous Triple P). The project involves a strengths-based approach to explore outcomes at a community level through a repeat community wide survey following program implementation.

Project members

Arvind Ponnapalli

Arvind Ponnapalli

PhD Student

Associate Professor Karen Turner

Deputy Director
Parenting and Family Support Centre
Principal Research Fellow
School of Psychology

Professor Matthew Sanders

Foundation Professor of Parenting Studies and Family Psychology, Strategic Advisor and Founder of Triple P
Professor and Director, Parenting and Family Support Centre
School of Psychology