The rapid increase in screen media use for parents have been hypothesised to promote higher screen use in their early years children. Supervised by A/Prof Alina Morawska, Dr Amy Mitchell, and A/Prof Peter Newcombe, this study investigates a few potential mediators in promoting or impeding screen use in preschoolers, which also influence the parent-child interaction. It is aimed to bring beneficial empirical and practical implications to parents as primary role models of youngsters to engage in healthier screen media use.

Project members

Dian Santika Wirawan, A/Prof Alina Morawska, Dr Amy Mitchell, and A/Prof Peter Newcombe

Associate Professor Alina Morawska

Director of Parenting and Family Support Centre and Associate Professor in Family Psychology and Parenting
School of Psychology

Dr Amy Mitchell

Senior Lecturer in Nursing
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work